Tuesday 8 February 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis - Respect Magazine

Here i am going to analyse two different double-page spreads of Respect music magazine in order to understand how to lay out my own double page spread, and to know what and what not to do.

J.Cole Double Page Spread Analysis 

In this double page spread, it features hip-hop artists J.Cole. This can be seen with a big 'J' in white to catch the readers attention and it also ties into the start of the article.  The article itself starts of with the rule of 3 'J.Cole hates telling Jay-Z stories. J.Cole is private. He's protective of his own personal and professional life.' it sounds catchy and hooks the reader to read on so that the three solid facts mentioned can be explained. Aswell as using the rule of 3, alliteration is also used for the same effect as the rule of 3; to hook readers and sound catchy. The article has a chatty flow to the conversation to make the reader feel relaxed. Italics are used throughout the article to represent the thoughts of J.Cole. This creates a one-on-one atmosphere for the reader and as if they are having a conversation with the artists. The writer also used simple, short sentences to create a sense of interest from the reader's perspective 'But you couldn't blame Cole if he was a tad distracted'.

Moving onto the image used, the image of J.Cole ties in over both pages therefore linking the image to the article and making it flow easier. His angle of gaze seems to be away from page instead of looking straight at the camera, this creates quite a reflective image. It gives off the impression that he is quite thoughtful. His body language seems quite comfortable and relaxed as he is crouched over.  The artist is wearing a dark red jacket with a black t-shirt underneath as to not disturb the calm atmosphere with bright, loud colours. The dark red of the jacket complements the dark background well, it is mainly dark brown which is quite calming to look at. There are also faded, blurry lights in the background which has subtle and soft effect on the interview. The dimmed, soft lights and the entire background as a whole creates a relaxed atmosphere for the readers, so that they can enjoy the actual content of the article instead of being distracted by bright colours.

Jay-Z Double Page Spread Analysis 

This second double page spread features Jay-Z. On the left hand side, there is a whole page with an image of Jay-Z in the centre. Once the readers turn the page onto this double page spread, their attention would be drawn to the image. This is because the image stands out against the page with the text because of the colours. Even though neutral dark colours and predominantly used instead of bright, loud colours, it still stands out. The neutral colours of the background is very soft and relaxing which appears to be a reoccurring theme throughout the magazine. The artist is wearing black sunglasses which creates a sense of mystery, you cannot see his eyes which means he could be hiding something which encourages the reader to read the article. Also his entire body language is quite mysterious. He is facing away from the camera with his head slightly tilted which shows thought aswell. The image itself does not have an immediate link to the article because it is on a different page, the image does not spread across the two pages, neither does the words therefore instantly you would not think the two are linked.

There is a gold emblem on the page of the article which is the cover art for Jay-Z's new book, the whole purpose of this article. Fans of Jay-Z would recognise the cover, and relate the book to the article which encourages them to read on. The all-white background creates a very simplistic look which again is a theme throughout the magazine, the focus appears to be more on the article instead of the look. The title is a simple black font which stands out against the white background and adds to the simplicity of the article. Also the standfirst uses a contrast 'Book smart and street smart' this hooks the readers by confusing them and encouraging them to read on. 

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