Wednesday 23 February 2011

Flatplan Evaluation: Front Cover

This is the magazine flatplan for my magazine called "The Base". I created a front cover, contents page and double page spread flatplan so that i know how my magazine will be laid out and the colours etc. for when i make my magazine. I used the hip-hop magazines "Respect" and "Hip-Hop Weekly" to research and help me produce my flatplan.

This is the front cover for my magazine "The Base". The colour scheme was inspired by "Hip-Hop Weekly". I chose to use a dark blue as the background colour because firstly hip-hop music is related to dark monotone colours instead of bright, loud colours associated with pop-music. Also if the background was very bright, it wouldn't attract the target market I am trying to aim because typically hip-hop listeners are not attracted to bright colours. I chose the black for most of the font because black is the main colour associated with hip-hop music and I felt that the colour had to be incorporated somehow because black was used vastly in the magazines I researched. I do feel that in this flatplan, the black is slightly washed out by the dark blue however I feel when I produce it, this won't be the case.  The reddish-orange colour used for "X2" is to attract the readers attention to the cover artists of the magazine. This is the main part I am trying to appeal to my readers and this is why this is the only bright colour used. Also, I layered the reddish-orange colour on top of the light blue t-shirt because it would stand out most against that colour. For the clothes of the artists, I used neutral colours that are not too bright or loud because I didn't want to defer the attention away from the group name "X2" and also because again, bright colours are not associated with hip-hop and also in my research, I noticed that particularly "Respect" had their artists wearing clothes that blended into the background.

The font that i would like to use in my magazine cover is not how it seems on this cover because this is just my usual handwriting, however I plan to use a font similar in the sense that it is very simple yet bold. This is how the fonts are in the magazines that i researched. The font used for the pull quote will be the same as the rest of the cover however it will be in italics, as that is usually how pull quote fonts are in most magazines. I wanted to use a very bold square-type font for the masthead, as this relates to "The Base" and is very bold yet simple. In my magazine research I noticed that mastheads remained simple yet effective, the colour of the font was often black therefore I incorporated that into mine. 

The layout of the cover I think works well because it is not too cramped and not too empty. I did have a slight problem when placing the article titles because of where i had placed the selling line and I didn't want to cover up the top half of the artists body. However I think that it worked well and with a few adjustments like moving "X2" to the right it will open up the page a bit more and look a little less cramped.  I noticed when carrying out my research that 'Respect' had all their article titles placed strategically around the edge of the page so that the focus was not taken away from the cover artist. I tried to incorporate this into my work. Also I have not included a button because no other hip-hop magazine uses a button therefore I did not use one because i feel it gives a slightly less formal look to the magazine. 

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