Monday 31 January 2011

Market Research Results

We were asked to carry out a survey/questionnaire to help us target our chosen audience correctly. Therefore i created a survey consisting of 8 questions that would help me on how i can create a magazine that would appeal to my target audience. I asked people who i knew listened to hip-hop music to answer the survey on my blog, and then i collected the results which will help me in a later stage.

This is the first question on my survey, simply asking how old each person was that filled out the questionnaire, this was so that i knew if i was aiming my magazine at the right age group, which i know realise i was. The majority of people who filled out my survey were 15-18, with the minority being over 18. No-one was under the age of 15 which makes it clear i am aiming my magazine at older teenagers. 


The next two questions were quite general and were related to the actual sales of magazines. I wanted to know firstly, how much they would pay, with results showing majority would pay between £1-£2.50 which is a decent price for teenagers, who are more pre-occupied spending their money on things such as music and clothes instead of magazines. The second question was simply if they would buy a hip-hop magazine, with results showing that majority would.


 The following questions were also magazine-related, and although these questions are not hip-hop related, i stuck with asking only hip-hop music listeners because that is who i am aiming my magazine for, so the general information also needs to relate to them. The results from the first question shows a mix of frequency of buying magazines, with twice a month purchases of magazines being slightly ahead of the rest. The second question was quite useful for me, so that i know what to include in my magazines, interviews appear to be most popular in magazines with posters second. 

 The following question was the first qualitative question in my survey, which allowed me to explore the types of hip-hop that people listen to. This question helped to show who is most popular in the hip-hop scene, because new and popular artists are most likely to be on the cover of magazines. There was a draw between Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj with both having three votes.

 This was another qualitative question, but is different to the one before because this one shows current/all-time favourite hip-hop artists with results showing a three-way tie between Drake, Nicki Minaj & Jay-Z. This helps because i now know what type of hip-hop artists people like.

 The final question was yet again another qualitative question, this time this question helped me to know what other genres of music are listened to by hip-hop listeners so that i can also feature content on these genres in my magazine so that it attracts a wider audience. The most popular answer was R&B and Pop, so now i know that i can feature information on these genres and it will also interest hip-hop listeners.

Overall this questionnaire has been extremely helpful in letting me know what hip-hop listeners want to see in magazines, their favourite artists and their habits with magazine purchasing. This information will definitely help me when making my magazine and has given me a deeper insight into my target audience and will help me to target them accurately. 

Thank you for reading :) 

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